How Do You Flush out Gall Stones?

Gallstones are the solid hard particles that develop in the gallbladder. These can develop due to excessive cholesterol or bilirubin in the bile that is stored in the gallbladder. A gallbladder stone can be as small as a grain of sand or as large as a handful of a golf ball. 

Not everyone suffering from gallbladder stones faces discomforting symptoms. Thus, they may go undetected for a long time unless discovered through an examination or start causing symptoms. Common signs and symptoms of gallstones include pain, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, clay-colored stools, etc. These troublesome stones must be treated at the earliest or the symptoms can grow severe with time and cause medical emergencies.

 There are several practical ways to prevent gallstone formation and alleviate any associated pain. 

The following are popular natural methods to flush out gallstones. But do bear in mind to consult a specialist before implementing any of the methods to flush out gallstones. 

Apple cider vinegar with apple juice – Apple juice softens gallstones, allowing them to be easily excreted from the body. Also, the risk of forming gallstones can be reduced significantly if a person consumes apple juice daily. Apple juice is proven to enhance the functioning of the gallbladder by softening the stones so that they pass out easily from the organ. Drinking apple juice is also beneficial for your small intestine, healing stomach ulcers, and is considered suitable for diabetic patients. However, excessive consumption can cause problems, so stick to one glass only. 

Gallbladder Cleanse/Gallbladder flush – It is one of the most widely used natural treatments for gallstones. Proponents of this method assert that it effectively dissolves gallstones and eliminates them from the body. Although there is scant scientific evidence to support a gallbladder cleanse, anecdotal reports indicate that it may be beneficial for some people.

A gallbladder flush is a procedure that involves drinking a mixture of apple juice, herbs, and olive oil for two to five days. This mixture may be dangerous for people with diabetes or blood sugar problems.

Dandelion – According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative HealthTrusted Source, Dandelion is one of the oldest remedies for gallbladder, liver, and bile duct diseases or infections. Dandelion tea or coffee proves to be beneficial in speeding up the process of gallstone removal. However, if you are also suffering from a kidney problem, consult your doctor before consuming dandelion in any form.

Artichoke – Artichoke extract is considered to be beneficial for gallbladder function. The extract can stimulate bile production and support gallbladder and liver function. However, no research has been conducted specifically on the effects of artichoke on gallstones. Globe artichokes can be prepared in a variety of ways. There is research that shows that supplements containing artichoke extract, are likely more potent to flush out gallstones than the vegetable itself. It is advised to consult a doctor before taking artichoke extract, as it may result in a gallbladder attack if a bile duct is obstructed.

Lysimachia Herba – Lysimachia Herba, also known as gold coin grass, is a popular traditional Chinese remedy for gallstone removal. This remedy can both treat or prevent cholesterol gallstones. It is often recommended to take gold coin grass in a liquid or powder form, especially before starting gallbladder cleanse that makes the stones become softened. 

Pack of castor oil – Castor oil packs are a popular remedy for a wide variety of complaints among naturopaths and natural living enthusiasts. Apply a castor oil pack by soaking a cloth in warm castor oil and placing it on the abdomen. Wrap in a towel. Some people prefer to add a heat source to the top, such as a hot water bottle or heating pad. Allow up to an hour with the pack on the abdomen. Doing so helps in softening gallstones that can further be easily eliminated from the body.

Yoga for gallstones- Certain yoga poses are said to be beneficial for gallstones, although no research supports this claim. According to some, the following poses are beneficial for people who have gallstones:

  • Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
  • Pachimotasana (Seated forward bend)
  • Sarvangasana Pose (Shoulderstand)
  • Shalabhasana yoga pose (Locust Pose)
  • Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

All these practices for removing gallbladder stones can do wonders in mild cases. But in cases of multiple or large stones, the patient may not experience complete relief from the symptoms

What to do if the gallstones persist?

  A gastroenterologist would recommend that you take the medication for a few days to remove the toxins from the gallbladder and restore its healthy functioning. These medications include chenodeoxycholic acid and ursodeoxycholic acid, both of which have been shown to effectively prevent gallstone formation.

If medication does not work properly for gallstones, surgery is recommended for permanent relief. Cholecystectomy is the surgical removal of the gallbladder from the body to prevent gallstone disease from recurring. Nowadays, surgeons prefer to use advanced laparoscopic cholecystectomy as it is minimally invasive.

You might probably be wondering if the body can function normally after the gallbladder is removed. The answer is yes. The gallbladder is not the most vital organ for the body to survive and function properly. Thus, there is nothing to worry about. You can ask your doctor to know more about the advanced laparoscopic treatment to get rid of gallstones once and for all.

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